The ajax_functionx.php file:
function _INPUT ($name, $len )
$tmp = @$_GET[$name] ;
if ($tmp =="")
$tmp = @$_POST[$name] ;
$tmp = str_replace(";", ".", $tmp); // remove any potential ; for sql statements/commands
return substr(strip_tags($tmp), 0, $len ) ;
} // end function _INPUT
sleep(1) ; // just delay a bit to show activity
// lets always expect a command string
$cmd = _INPUT ("cmd", 20 ) ; // max length 20 characters
$q = _INPUT ("q", 32 ) ; // max length 32 characters
$response = "" ; // set up response to be returned at the bottom
switch ($cmd)
// --------------------------------------------------------
// a key has been pressed
case "cmd_key_pressed" ;
$LIST_OF_TOWNS = array ("Aberdeen", "Aberfeldy", "Abergeldie", "Brechin", "Dundee", "Dunfermline", "Edinburgh", "Fort William", "Glasgow" ) ;
// lets get the value in for `town`
$town = $q ;
// is the value enterred greater than 2 characters, otherwise it can be ignored until we get enough data in
if (strlen($town) > 2)
// lets strip it down to 20 characters or less to stop hackers injecting long strings of data ;o))
$town = strtolower( substr($town, 0, 20 ) ) ;
// lets return something
$response .= "
" ;
$found = false ;
foreach ( $LIST_OF_TOWNS as $TOWN_NAME )
$LEN = strlen($town) ;
if ( substr( strtolower($TOWN_NAME), 0, $LEN ) == $town )
// lets build a link
$link = "==\"`pointer`;`hand`; \" " ;
$link .= "onclick=\"AjaxCall(`$TOWN_NAME` + `&cmd=cmd_select_town`, `town_response_script_id`);\" " ;
$response .= "< b \"$link\">-- $TOWN_NAME
" ;
$found = true ;
if ($found == false)
$response .= "< b style=\"color:red;\">[ town [$town] not in our list ]" ;
break ;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// place the town name into the Input Box
case "cmd_select_town" ;
$response .= "< input type=\"text\" name=\"town\" value=\"$q\"
onkeyup=\"AjaxCall (this.value+`&cmd=cmd_key_pressed`, `town_response_id`); return false; \" >
< span id=\"town_response_id\">" ;
break ;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// return a response to a button click
case "cmd_button_press" ;
$response .= "Button pressed at : ".date ("D, jS M Y H:m:s" ) ;
$town = _INPUT ("town", 32 ) ;
if ($town =="")
$response .= " [ town empty ]" ;
$response .= " [ town : $town ]" ;
break ;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// no command or not in list
case "":
$response .= "** Error no command or incorrectly formatted" ;
break ;
echo $response ; // echo the response back to the calling page.
// thats it done, now drop out
[ --
link to Execute the Ajax Test Scripts Part 4 ]