I`ve been alerted to some attempted break ins to the web site through our own track and trace features. Seems someone is trying some very simple scripts to pop up an alert message into the system. This in itself isn`t a major worry as the bulk of the website is protected by script injection. We will however, provide an update and do further checking to ensure that nobody breaks in.
Recently I`ve started digging into mail server settings and the need for tighter security. Some of the findings are startling ! I have found that not having the settings described below can cause issues with sending and receiving email. As of February 2024 Google are going to make a major change to email deliverability. Google Email sender guidelines . This may impact your mail delivery if it is not tweaked to take account of SPF, DMARC and DKIM settings (fairly easy to update)
When upgrading to MariaDB I found some queries were getting rejected due to field value not being NULL. On mysql this was not a problem as I had intended if no data then I`m happy with the query.
We are currently working on Card payments using Stripe . We have been very successfully taking Paypal payments for a number of years. In fact we have taken over 32,000 transactions in the last 15 months (at Dec 2021)
The internet started in earnest around the mid 1990`s. About that time CompuServe and Aol provided email systems to help people communicate. In the early 1990`s bulletin boards were all the rage allowing easier communications across the globe.
Your website and email are identified by a domain name. behind this is an IP address. The IP identifies through the system where the domain is situated. I have some hints below that can be used to verify that your domain is setup correctly.
We run regular backups of our website using a utility called `wget` This replicates the website files and any files that have been uploaded (for example PHP, JPG, MP4 files)
Unfortunately this morning we had an attack on our myclub website. (August 2021) A break in occurred on my username which allowed a user access to the system. This was quickly detected but caused us to change the system password.